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This is a MATLAB simulation of a simple network topology for an urban area accounting for the stoploss and shadowing in the region. The hexagonal boundary was used with random varibles of network recepients.(2020).
Movies Recommendation Systems
The movie recommendation system is a machine learning algorithm created with simple collaborative filtering, correlating movies of similar ratings by users. The implementation stage was basically a mixture of HTML, CSS and Flask for the A.P.I and was deployed using the heroku-app as the online host.The dataset used is still being updated as recent movies have not been added(2020).. check out the deployed model

check it out ..
Personal Base Station.
This is a telecommunications project i worked on, building a Personal Base Station using the U.S.R.P as the software defined radio. The project majorly involves setting up the U.S.R.P 2900 with OpenBts on ubuntu 14 which is very difficult to set up especially for those using the U.S.R.P or any other S.D.R for the first time. I also wrote an article stating the step by step instructions on setting up the U.S.R.P for use as a Personal base station to send sms as well as receive phone calls.
The Insurance Prediction is another deployed Machine learning algorithm based on the AXA MANSARD insurance prediction task given during the 2019 Bootcamp by Data Science Nigeria(DSN). Though the project has not been finished but the major features which is the machine learning algorithm has been implemented and deployed (using Heroku-app) just to check the reliability of the Machine Learning Model. you can check it's progress as well

click here to view..
Other Projects

Prof's Dictionary.
I created a simple dictionary app which was deployed as well as released for use, it's a system application created using python, the python library (Tkinter) for GUI was used for the User Interface and libraries such as py2exe were used for converting the codes to a deployable application.
Smart Agricultural System.
The Smart Agricultural System (S.A.S) is an hardware solution for farmers to monitor the farm climate, This was done as a group project with a team supervised by DR A.A Fisusi(phD), the project involved the use of the soil moisture sensor, humidity and temperature sensor. The micro-controller used was the esp8266 by espressif which collects the data from the sensors and sends it to the cloud. a temporary page on dweet.io was created for the purpose of testing and defending the project. The data from the sensors were sent to this page such that the farmer can access the farm conditions while away from the farm.
Energy Monitoring System.
The Energy monitoring system is another group project on instrumentation and measurement which i was involved in. The device could measure parameters such as Energy, Voltage, Power, Frequency as well as power-factor and all these would be displayed online by an MQTT prorocol. The device was built using the PZEM004, which has a current and voltage sensor and the Esp8266 by espressif for sending this data to the MQTT sever, which can then be viewed online via the MQTT box app.
Digital Clock on FPGA.
This project involved my skills test on the VHDL, I Implemented a digital clock on the fpga board, the clock has 4 features; Count down timer, Stop Watch, alarm and the conventional time. The code was also written in such manner that you can set the clock Time without having to reprogram the board.
Competitions & Hackatons.

As a data Scientist also admist my vast skills, I participate in lots of competitive programming, as well as help shape the future of artificial intelligence. check out my zindi profile to see comprtitions i've participated in and my respective score or position on the leaderboard.

my zindi profile.
I also engage in local competitions on kaggle from time to time, check out my Kaggle profile.

my Kaggle profile.